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About My Hand-Me-Down Castle

somali cat with hand-me-down castle toy

I thought you might like to see the hand-me-down castle I mentioned in my blog post about the mystery basket. It has sort of been shoved off in a corner for a long time. When my human pulled it out, it was very dusty! So she cleaned it up and here it is. Some of the plastic has gotten a little discolored from age and the sun, but it is still in pretty good shape otherwise.

somali cat with enchanted palace

Sparkle liked it right from the start. She had no idea that my human had bought it as a gift, not for her, but for her then-boyfriend’s niece.

somali cat takes possession of castle

This photo pretty much explains why my human had to keep it, and buy the second one to send the niece.

ragdoll cat with kids' castle

No one can explain why, but the castle turned out to be something of a kitty magnet. Boodie liked it too. Binga, for some reason, was immune to whatever charms it had.

somali cat and ragdoll cat with kids' castle

Over eleven years later, some things never change. Boodie still likes the castle. And of course, I do too. It is a pretty cool hand-me-down.

somali cat with open castle

There is one thing that my human really loves about this little castle. Can you see it in this photo? I will show you a close-up so you can see better.

pink circular staircase in castle

It has a circular staircase, just like the castle we actually live in!

somali cat wearing tiara with castle

The best part is you can’t get this castle anymore. Not even on eBay! (My human looked.) So it is kind of a collector’s item.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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