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‘Tis Meow Like a Pirate Day!

Avast ye mateys!
‘Tis Meow Like a Pirate Day!!

Yo ho ho!  And a bottle o’ Catnip Rum!
We arrr thee Pirate Island Cats of the Carribean…
Evil Necksnapper Ernie and Bloody Princess o’ Death Zoey.

Pirate Treasure Map

Here be a Pirate Poem to help ye speak Pirate…

Ahoy, matey means Hello, my friend.
Heave to means to come to an end.
A cat-o’-nine-tails is a whip.
A man-o-war is a sailing ship.
The Jolly Roger is the pirate’s flag.
A villainous person is a scallywag.
A pirate’s drink is called a grog.
A rotten pirate is a scurvy dog.
Aye means Yes, I do agree.
Davy Jones’s locker is at the bottom of the sea.
Feed the fish means throw overboard.
A cutlass is a short, curved sword.
Pillage means to raid or seize.
There is no pirate word for please.

~Author Unknown


from The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat! https://ift.tt/30qHIep

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