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My Fun Cat Show Weekend

somali cat ready for a fun cat show weekend

Yes, I really had a fun cat show weekend in Ontario, California! It wasn’t a big cat show, and not the kind of show that draws a lot of spectators. But the ones who did come got a special treat because I was there!

Pet Me cat at cat show wearing dress

I didn’t wear all my outfits, just a couple. At the shows people want to pet me and touch my fur, so a lot of times I’ll just have some neckwear on. (Of course, that does not stop me from picking out a bunch of things to take along!)

somali cat looking at her new toy

One of the best parts was I got a couple of toys! I chose them myself. My human took me over to the vending booth on my leash, and I paw picked this one… and rejected a bunch of others.

cute somali cat in hotel room

Another fun thing was we stayed overnight at a hotel! Ontario is less than an hour from us, but it’s a terrible drive in the afternoons and early evenings, even on the weekends. My human only wanted to do that drive once, which is why we stayed over. Can you tell how much I loved this hotel room?

somali cat on leash in hotel lobby

I even got to go down to the lobby on my leash for a little while. The woman who was working the desk was a cat lover, so she was pretty excited about seeing me.

somali cat with CFA coloring books

Sunday was even quieter than Saturday, but the fun thing was that some parents with kids stopped by to see me. We have free coloring books that CFA gave us to give away to young show visitors. And I enjoy kids, so it was a good day.

somali cat whiffing catnip kicker toy

I also got to play with the other toy I picked out — this cool catnip kicker with a tail made of pompoms! It was really potent.

somali cat resting in enclosure at fun cat show

Even quiet cat shows are tiring because people come by throughout the day. So by the end of the day Sunday, I was ready to go home!

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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