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Kitten Comes Out from Under Deck When Rescuers Arrive - His Siblings Follow Suit

A cat family that had been living under a deck, came out from hiding one night when they saw rescuers coming their way.

Flatbush Cats

Early September, Flatbush Cats, a TNR (trap-neuter-return) focused cat rescue in Brooklyn, New York, was contacted about a feline family that needed help.

A neighborhood cat and her six kittens had been hiding under a deck. Some of the litter mates had infected eyes and needed immediate medical attention.

Will Zweigart, founder of Flatbush Cats, came up with a rescue plan that might take 1-2 days to get all the kitties to safety, but things quickly changed when he arrived.

Flatbush Cats

One of the tabbies curiously poked his head out when he heard Will and his rescue team. Within minutes, he jumped out from under the deck and decided to greet his human friends.

"The original plan was to get everyone comfortable eating underneath a drop trap," Will said. "But in a stroke of good luck, they were all out and visible."

Flatbush Cats

"The first kitten out is definitely the group leader!"

Will was able to pick up the brave little tabby without complaints, and soon after that another kitten emerged. "I didn't want to waste the chance to get them to safety, especially so we could begin treating the eye infections."

(Scroll down for video)

Flatbush Cats

The rest of the kittens followed suit and all wriggled their way out. They didn't seem to mind being picked up and gently escorted into a humane trap for transport. They were curious about all the new things around them.

After collecting the kittens and getting them situated in a trap with a soft blanket, rescuers were able to get the cat mom with help from a drop trap.

The family of seven would never have to endure another day on the streets.

Flatbush Cats

To ensure all the kittens get the best care, the smaller kitties are given extra feedings to help them catch up in size. "The runt is literally half the weight of his biggest sibling and was getting lost in the shuffle," Will said in an update.

"The squad is moving over to wet food while still taking a few turns at the milk bar with mom. They're crushing 40 ounces of food per day!"

Flatbush Cats

Now that they are living a VIP life as indoor cats, the cat mama can finally relax and have more me-time.

She's gradually pushing the kittens to eat solid food on their own and encourage them to venture out of the nest and play. "She's done an excellent job raising them and will never have to go through this again."

Flatbush Cats

Thanks to the timely rescue, the kittens have been nursed back to health. Some of them may lose some or all vision, but they have amazing adaptability and can do anything just like their sighted siblings.

"The two (potentially) blind kittens will be paired with a helper sibling who has full sight."

Flatbush Cats

These kitties' lives were turned around when they decided to step out from hiding and accept help from their rescuers.

Life is good now!

Flatbush Cats

Follow updates on this little family and Flatbush Cats on Instagram and Facebook. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help.

Watch their rescue in this video:

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Related story: Stray Kitten with Curled Ears and Extra Toes Follows a Cat and Insists on Being Her Friend

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