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Cat Photographer!

somali cat with tiny Satellite camera

Look! I’ve got my own camera. It’s totally kitty sized!

close up of Satellite camera

It’s called a Satellite and it’s a vintage camera! I discovered something interesting — it’s the same camera NASA uses! Don’t believe me? Do a Google search on “satellite camera,” and there’s your proof.

somali cat checking out satellite camera

I’m excited because now I can be a cat photographer! I just need to figure out how to push the button and find things to photograph. If my human can do it and take good photos of me, it should be pretty easy.

somali cat photographer looking for something to shoot

I hear something coming up the street — maybe I will try to photograph it!

failed photo of van driving by

I guess I wasn’t fast enough because it came out totally blurry.

somali cat looking under table for something to photograph

Maybe I will try something arty and creative instead. If I look under the table, there might be some interesting angles and textures.

boring photo of underneath concrete table.

Apparently I was wrong.

random photo of clover and grass

Oops, I accidentally took a photo of the clover. I didn’t mean to do that.

somali cat frustrated about being a cat photographer

Wow. This cat photographer thing is harder than it looks.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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