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9 Reasons We Love the Russian Blue Cat

The post 9 Reasons We Love the Russian Blue Cat by Erika Sorocco appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.

If a cat with mystique is what you seek, then you truly can’t look further than the Russian Blue cat. Shrouded in a cloud of mystery, the blue-hued beauty has a history based solely on legend — with no proven facts regarding her origins.

1. How the Russian Blue came to be

A Russian Blue cat.

A Russian Blue cat. Photography by Tetsu Yamazaki.

In one bit of Russian Blue lore, it’s said that the breed is a descendant of the royal felines kept by the Russian tsars. Contrary to that fun splash of folklore is the rumor that the Russian Blue cat actually originated on Northern Russia’s Archangel Isles (giving the breed the nickname Archangel Cat), where the breed was picked up by sailors in the 1800s and brought to Europe. And according to folklore, the Russian Blue is said to bring not just good luck but healing abilities, too!

2. Give us a smile

The Russian Blue has a naturally upturned mouth that has garnered her comparisons to Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

3. Are Russian Blue cats truly blue or gray?

Oh, she’s blue all right — with a silver cast that electrifies this feline! A diluted version of the gene responsible for black hair is what produces the silvery coat seen on the Russian Blue. But that’s not the only thing that keeps her in a class of her own: Her bright green eyes, silky-to-the-touch double-layered coat and lithe body make her one of a kind.

4. Fastidious feline

Though not technically a high-maintenance housemate, the Russian Blue is very particular about hygiene in the bathroom, so keep her litter box spotless!

5. Russian Blue cats are typically quiet

A Russian Blue cat is shy and reserved until she thinks you’re worthy of her presence. Though gentle and quiet in nature, the Russian Blue has a soft spot for high places, where she can people watch for hours until she gets a feel for your personality. Guests might be ignored, but family members receive all of the loyalty. And if you’re her No. 1, she’ll shadow you like crazy and even hitch a ride on your shoulder from time to time. Even better? She’s an independent kitty, so she doesn’t mind hanging at home by herself, making her the perfect breed for working singles!

6. Love is all around

A Russian Blue cat.

A Russian Blue cat. Photography by Tetsu Yamazaki.

If you’re her favorite human, be ready for nonstop love, because she is all about you, you and more you. Feeling out of sorts? She’ll stick by your side, working her healing abilities on you until you’re up and at ’em again! Prepping dinner? She’ll chill by your side, acting as taste tester. Binge-watching a new TV show? She’ll curl up by your side — just have a comb handy, as she loves being brushed while watching the tube!

7. The Russian Blue cat moves gracefully

The Russian Blue moves with the same type of lithe grace as a Russian ballerina, so you can expect to see her dancing through the hallways of your humble abode whenever she feels the urge — day or night.

8. Keep on schedule

She may be flexible when it comes to movement, but the Russian Blue is a creature of habit when we’re talking daily activities. Meals should arrive on time, and her environment should remain both quiet and stable. Think of her as a furry alarm clock.

9. Russian Blue cats aren’t hypoallergenic

While the Russian Blue sheds less frequently and produces a lower level of the Fel d 1 protein than other breeds, she still produces dander, making her a kitty who won’t solve your allergy issues.

Bonus Fact:

The Russian Blue was once nicknamed the “Doberman Pinscher of Cats” by a judge at a cat show due to the breed’s long, muscular body, which manages to be both elegant and athletic.

Thumbnail: Photography by Tetsu Yamazaki.

Erika Sorocco has been writing about cats for 12 years. She currently shares her home with two finicky felines (Minky and Gypsy), one crazy pup (Jake) and not enough closet space. Find her online chatting about beauty, books, fashion and fur babies at cateyesandskinnyjeans.com

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The post 9 Reasons We Love the Russian Blue Cat by Erika Sorocco appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.

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