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Silly Goose

black cat lying in sun

Hey guys. Lately, the mom has been calling me a silly goose. Seriously?? Do I look like one of these things? 

Two geese

I don’t have feathers! Or a long neck! I think someone needs to have her eyes examined.

Speaking of geese, we had a surprise in our yard the other day.

Geese with goslings

Baby geese! Yep, Mr. and Mrs. Goose are the proud parents of 5 baby geese. Sorry…this isn’t best picture…the mom took it with the zoom from inside our house.

Did you know a baby goose is called a gosling? The mom thinks these goslings are really cute…all little and fuzzy. The dad just muttered something about more goose poop to clean up. Now we have Gosling TV…and no, I’m not referring to that Ryan guy, though the mom thinks he’s cute, too. I think it’s gonna be fun watching these babies grow up!

from The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat! http://bit.ly/2XWDsTf

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