Look out! I'm coming in for a crash landing. MAYDAY! Over.

KATIE: What the– Waffles?
WAFFLES: You're supposed to say Over, Boss. Over.
KATIE: Over what?
WAFFLES: Mayday! Come in, Boss. Over.
KATIE: Waffles, I'm not coming anywhere with you. And today is May Day, not MAYDAY.
WAFFLES: Houston, we have a problem. Over.
KATIE: Roger that. REALLY Roger that.
WAFFLES: Roger? Who's Roger?
Happy May Day!
It may be May Day, but here in Colorado, there's still a little snow in our trees. Last week we had our first hummingbird visitors, so Glogirly put out the feeders for them. Right now though, their nectar is frozen solid. Not to worry, Mr. Sun has been alerted and he's scheduled to visit us in just a couple of days.
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