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WAFFLES:  Hey Boss! It's Friday morning. Have you had your cuppa George yet?

KATIE:  George??? Don't you mean Joe?

WAFFLES:  Joe? Who's Joe? I don't know any Joe.

KATIE:  Cuppa JOE. You know, coffee?

WAFFLES:  Cats don't drink coffee, Boss. Even YOU know that.

KATIE:  Of course I know that. You're the one that brought up Cuppa George. Which, by the way, makes absolutely no sense at all. I'm just trying to explain that it's Cuppa JOE, not GEORGE.


KATIE:  Waffles?

WAFFLES:  Maybe you should switch to decaf.

KATIE:  Maybe should switch to decaf???

...15 minutes later

About Today's Photos 
(...or rather, that last photo)
Sometimes the camera freezes an expression you just can't see with the naked eye. The beginning of a yawn or meow can turn a seemingly ordinary cat into ... well, into what you see in that last photo.

Of course in the case of Waffles, this kind of expression is far more common than you might think. He's definitely a cat that can go from lazy to maniac in less than 60 seconds.

Cuppa Waffles
In case you're wondering what that cool 'cup' is that Waffles is lounging in, it's his sporty Sleepypod convertible. (a.k.a. his Sleepypod with the top down.)

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