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Mews and Nips: Stray Kitten Claims Cyclist As Her Human


Madison Kelly had just finished a bike race in Chicago when she noticed a group of other bikers holding a small, dirty kitten that they found underneath a car. When she went to check things out, the kitten immediately crawled up on her shoulder as if to claim her as her forever human. “I didn’t win the race but won a stray kitten’s companionship,” Madison said. See the full story of how Madison adopted the kitten, along with some wonderful photos. on Lovemeow.com.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Monday, we told you how the Assisi Loop helped 15-year-old Pumpkin with lymphoma and kidney disease, on Tuesday, we told you about a recall of several lots of 9Lives canned food, on Wednesday, we offered tips on how to care for yourself when grieving the loss of a cat, and on Friday, I shared some of my favorite cat Christmas books. And don’t forget to enter our giveaway for a starter bottle of 1TDC 4-in-1 Wellness Solution!

Big cats like the holidays, too! Enjoy today’s video of the cats at Big Cat Rescue “singing” Jingle Bells and opening, I mean, destroying, presents.

Have a great weekend!

Photo via Lovemeow.com

The post Mews and Nips: Stray Kitten Claims Cyclist As Her Human appeared first on The Conscious Cat.

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