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5 Natural ways to get rid of fleas on Dogs


There are around 2500 species of Fleas, these tiny, small flightless and, blood-sucking insects too much irritate your furry friend. They feed off on the blood of animals and then reproduce quickly to increase their numbers. .this tiny creature is considered the number one skin parasite for pets and other animals too.

Symptoms of fleas on dogs:

After the attack of fleas, your puppy or dog will start irritating and can cause the below symptoms in your puppy.

  • Itching and scratching
  • Red pimples or bumps
  • Loss of fur
  • Skin sores, rubbing and chewing of the skin
  • Flea allergic dermatitis (FAD)
  • Black pepper or dark dirt in the fur
  • restlessness or nervousness
  • Moving of small creature in the fur
  • Pale gums
  • restlessness or nervousness

fleas on the garden bulldog

Treatment of fleas with natural remedies:

Fighting with this small annoying creature is not easy, but at the very first step, we need to treat the existing fleas for stooping them reproduce and help reduce the risk of re-infestation.

For this, we are listing the 5 natural ways and methods which can help you to get rid of fleas from your dog.

Please Note: The best idea is to talk with your veterinarian in any health issue of your dog.

1. Give Your Pet a Bath

Bathing your dog with lukewarm water with a mild soap can help get fleas off from your pet fur. If you have the plan to give a bath with shampoo or other flea killing product, then this is the best idea to contact your veterinarian.

Because some pets may have suffered from the FDA (flea allergy dermatitis) or having other wounds or open cuts, then the skin might be especially sensitive.

However, giving your pet a proper groom will help relieve the problem your pet is experiencing.

2.Use of Coconut Oil

Using of Coconut oil for dogs have tons of benefits, Coconut oil work like a charm for the fleas problems. Some of the pet experts say that Coconut oil contains lauric acid that helps to kill fleas.

Lauric acid is a natural flea and tick repellent which holds flea’s exoskeleton in the oil, making it impossible for the fleas to move.

Take a glob of coconut oil, and massage gently into your puppy coat.

fleas in the park

3. Use a Fine-Tooth Flea Comb Comb Your Pet’s Hair

After bathing, this is a good idea to comb your pet hair with a fine-tooth flea comb instantly. The teeth of the flea comb have less space between and can trap fleas easily from the dog fur.

Kill the fleas on a flea comb, dunk the comb into a hot soapy tub of water. Comb slowly and gently to avoid any skin injury due to the comb teeth.

4. Use of Apple Cider Vinegar

Many pet experts use Apple cider vinegar as a flea repellent for dogs and Dogs Naturally Magazine also recommends Apple Cider vinegar for fleas prevention. This can be used in both ways you can make a solution of Apple cider vinegar and water then spray on your dog’s body daily or giving them orally.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) creates an acidic environment on the dog’s skin and balance the alkalinity level inside the body, which help to prevent your dog from fleas.

5. Use of Brewer’s Yeast

Brewer’s Yeast is considered a tonic for fleas in dogs. Brewer yeast contains many nutrients and vitamins like vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, and B9, antioxidants, selenium, potassium, chromium, iron, zinc, sulfur and magnesium.

Many of them help to promote healthy skin. The abundant amount of sulfur Compounds in Brewer,s yeast make the fleas less interested in your dog. However, some dogs are allergic to yeast so contact your veterinarian before trying Brewer,s yeast.

When serving it to your dog always serve in moderation, add a small amount of brewer’s yeast to your dog’s food. About a half teaspoon of brewer’s yeast in your dog’s food is enough for an effective flea remedy. But remember the amount of yeast may vary from puppy to dogs.

About Author: Serve dogs team dedicated to providing you with the very best of Dogs Health and care information, with an emphasis on Dogs food, Dogs Health, and Dogs First Aid. We Provide information after in-depth and comprehensive research, including the researches of Vets and Pet expert Around the Globe.

Photos by SinAbrochar Photo on Unsplash

Amber Turner on Unsplash

Josh Hild from Pexels

The post 5 Natural ways to get rid of fleas on Dogs appeared first on Wag The Dog UK.

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