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The Island Cat 500

Hi guys. Have I mentioned that our new house is way bigger than our old house? Now why the peeps wanted a bigger house is beyond me, but I’m not complaining. There’s lots more room that’s for sure.

This house is so big, it has not just 1…but 2 staircases! This is what we call the back stairs.

black cat on stairs

This staircase is off of the garage…which by the way I have run out into when the mom left the door open. I’m quick like lightning! But that’s a story for another day.

black cat on stairway landing

Okay…back to the stairs. What’s nice is that there’s a landing area, and the mom put a bed and some toys on it so it’s a nice spot for me to hang out.

Do you remember when I told you how I like to run up and down the upstairs hallway? Well, lemme tell you…I’ve upped my game and expanded my racetrack. Now I like to run up the back stairs.

black cat sitting in hallway

Then I run down the long upstairs hallway…you’ve seen this before…

black cat sitting on stairs

…and then I run down what we call the front stairs. These are the front stairs. There’s no landing but they curve around which makes running down them a little trickier. Also no carpeting means no traction. The mom worries I’m gonna break my neck running down them.

black cat sitting in hallway

Once I reach the bottom, I run through the kitchen and the downstairs hallway…

black cat on stairs

…and then up the back stairs again. Quite the racetrack, don’tcha think? I run the Island Cat 500 on it several times a day.

from The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat! http://bit.ly/2XhBAUT

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