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Month-End Outtakes

It’s the last day of November, and I noticed that I’ve accumulated some outtakes. Like, real doozies! So I am sharing them with you today.

somali cat wearing awful knit headgear

There is a reason, and a good one, why this knitted hat never became a blog post. According to my human, it didn’t look this bad in the packaging. But boy oh boy, once she got it on me, even she had to agree it was a loser!

somali cat wearing robe and bunny slippers

I don’t know why I look so grumpy here. Honestly, I didn’t mind wearing this outfit at all. In fact, it was kind of fun! This isn’t so much an outtake as it is a test run. My human thinks the robe and slippers deserve a good morning-type setting instead of a plain backdrop.

somali cat flopped down after photo shoot

Remember my Princess Day photos? This is after the photo session. Before and after photo shoots, sometimes I lie around like this. ‘Cause what else am I going to do?

somali cat doing bell practice outside

I’m not sure what was going on in this photo. Was I feeling guilty about something? Was I distracted? Whatever it was, my mind wasn’t completely on ringing my bell.

End of the month outtakes

My human hasn’t been getting many tongue-out photos of me recently, but she caught this little sliver while I was at the cat show. The thing that really strikes me is how my pink tongue matches the pink bows on my sweater!

elderly tortoiseshell cat on top of cat tree

And this isn’t really an outtake, just a quick snap of my human’s. But I wanted to show that even if she is 18 years old, Binga can still claim the top of the cat tree without any help!

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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