Cat Show Sunglasses Selfie
I had so much fun at the cat show! As you can see, I had my High Five paw at the ready. Binga has her whapping paw, but my paw is for High Fives! Anyhow, I’ll tell you all about the show in an upcoming post. Today is for Sunday Selfies, so I took a quick break from all my cat show duties to grab a selfie. I decided to do it in one of my outfits.
I actually didn’t wear a lot of outfits at the show. People enjoy touching my soft fur, so my human doesn’t like covering it up too much. (Although when I wear an outfit, it invariably draws a crowd!) But this was pretty cool. It was a sweater and necklace with a pair of sunglasses. Plus my new pink purse which you haven’t seen yet. So you can see why I wanted to do a selfie just then.
First I had to adjust the camera — and I had to prop up the sunglasses to do that. I couldn’t see well enough with them on.
And then… I put the sunglasses back on crooked! I never did get a selfie that I was satisfied with.
So later on, I took a selfie with my other pair of sunglasses and it turned out much better.
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