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Half In The Grocery Bag

WAFFLES:  Hey, Boss! I can't find the chicken. Did you see where Glogirly put the chicken? 

KATIE:  Nope. Nothing here but this green stuff. Tastes terrible, but it might work for floor hockey. 

WAFFLES:  I'm holding out for the chicken.

KATIE:  You're going to be holding out for a long time, Waffles. 

WAFFLES:  Like a few minutes long time? Or a few years long time?

KATIE:  Well, when's the last time Glogirly gave you a whole chicken from the grocery store? On purpose? 

 About Today's Photos 
Today's the big grocery shop day. Glogirly's been making her list and checking it twice. Whenever Gloman comes home, she tries to plan a few special meals. And breakfast. Lots and lots of breakfast. And snacks. Always snacks.

Despite Waffles' nose for chicken, he's actually far more interested in the bags. He's always been a half-in-the-bag kind of kitty. LOL!

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