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Cat World Domination Day!

Hey guys! Today I’m joining in with our friend, Summer, and celebrating Cat World Domination Day. Though we know cats dominate the world every day…this is the official day of recognition.

Cat World Domination Day

How do cats dominate the world? Well, you can’t deny that us cats call all the shots. WE are in charge. We do whatever we want whenever we want. No one can make us do something we don’t wanna do. Well, ‘cept for going to the vet. Seems like humans make us go no matter how much we try to avoid it. We need to work on that.

And we demand that our humans cater to our every whim. Whatever we want…whenever we want it.

cat getting his belly rubbed

Like here. The mom was busy doing stuff around the house. Stuff that I didn’t care about. But I wanted a belly rubbing. So I made her stop everything she was doing and rub my belly.

Okay…I’ll be honest. I didn’t have to demand very much. All it took was for me to roll over and show my belly. The mom was more than willing to stop and give it a rubbing.  That’s the kind of control us cats have!

So kitties…how are YOU dominating the world today…and every day?

from The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat! http://bit.ly/2J1QOrr

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