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Hokey Cat Pokey

WAFFLES:  So how does it go again, Boss? You put your left paw in? ♫♩

WAFFLES:  You put your right paw out? ♫♩ You put your–

KATIE:  I'd recommend keeping both of those paws to yourself, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  And then we shake it all about! ♫♩ Right Boss?

KATIE:  Personal space, Waffles! Personal space! No touching. No yelling. No hokey. No pokey. 

WAFFLES:  No hokey? No pokey? But that's no fun, Boss.

KATIE:  No, but that's what it's all about.

About Today's Photos
Today's blog post and photos is a flashback from September of 2015 when we were still living in our Minneapolis townhouse. Gloman captured these photos while Waffles and Katie were waiting for the morning meal service and when there was a little "hokey-pokey" going on. Emphasis on pokey. 

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