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Two Cats, One Lap


If you read Allegra and Ruby’s New Year’s resolutions, you already got a hint that Ruby is not thrilled about having to share my lap with Allegra. I’ve often felt that in an ideal cat household, at least from a cat’s perspective, the number of available laps should be equal to the number of cats. Since this is often not the case, some cats have to learn to share human laps.

If Allegra jumps up on my lap first, I usually eventually end up with both cats sharing my lap – although only very grudgingly on Ruby’s part. I swear if cats could huff and puff, that’s what she’d be doing. If, however, Ruby is in my lap first, Allegra doesn’t stand a chance. Ruby will start to growl softly if Allegra approaches us, and Allegra, being a lover, not a fighter, walks away to curl up in one of her other favorite sleeping spots. But why don’t I let the girls tell you themselves.

Allegra: I love being in Mom’s lap. It makes me feel close to her, and it’s so comfortable.

Ruby: I don’t like you being in Mom’s lap!

Allegra: Sighs. I know you don’t, Ruby. And yet, you seem just fine about sharing Mom’s lap as long as I get there first. What is that all about?

Ruby: I’m not “fine” about it, Allegra! But if it’s the only way I can be in Mom’s lap, I guess I’ll share it with you.

Allegra: But why won’t you let me on Mom’s lap when you’re there first?

Ruby: Because it’s my lap! Mine!

Allegra: You know, Ruby, if I didn’t know better, I’d think that you worry that Mom doesn’t love you enough. You know don’t have to be permanently glued to her, she loves you no matter what.

Ruby: Well….but what if she forgets that she loves me?

Allegra: You’re so silly! Mom would never forget that she loves both of us.

Ruby: Really truly?

Allegra: Of course, little one!

Ruby: But I still don’t want to share her lap with you. Unless…

Allegra: Unless what?

Ruby: Unless I get tuna if I share!


Do your cats share your lap?

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The post Two Cats, One Lap appeared first on The Conscious Cat.

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