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Friendly Fill-Ins: Week #140


Friendly Fill-Ins is a weekly blog hop hosted each Friday by Ellen (15 And Meowing) and Lorianne (Four-Legged Furballs). The sentences to be completed can be found on their blogs each Thursday. Enter the hop by clicking on the badge at the left.

My cold has taken over my head and my brain is not working very well, so Kitties Blue were recruited to complete this week’s Friendly Fill-ins. Their completions are in teal italics.

Cooper Murphy: 1. Ginger cats and cute go hand paw in hand paw.

Mauricio: 2. My sweet and beautiful wife Allie makes my heart happy.

Sawyer: 3. Don’t be afraid to whine and stomp your paws until you get treats.

Giulietta: 4. If napping was a sport, I would win hands paws down. Actually, the competition would be pretty stiff among my fursibs and every kitty on the planet.


Feline Friday

Sawyer is here to join Giulietta at the Feline Friday blog hop at Comedy Plus. But mostly he is here once again to ask for your purrs, prayers and POTP. At 5 a,m, yesterday morning he had another uncontrollable, massive seizure. His temperature again reached 106 degrees, despite my efforts to keep him cool. He has just returned home after 16 hours at the Emergency Vet. This is an improvement after his two-night stay four weeks ago.

We prayed his triple-med combo would keep his seizures at bay, but it seems we will be revisiting the combo and the dosage.


Enjoying a sunpuddle the day after Christmas.


To join the blog hop at Comedy Plus, click on the badge below.

The post MORE PURRS AND PRAYERS PLEASE appeared first on The Cat On My Head.

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