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Invasion of the Robot Vacuum

WAFFLES:  Help me, Boss! I'm trapped! 

KATIE:  What do you mean, you're trapped???

WAFFLES:  The Mr. Robot Roomba guy is chasing me. Look! He's got me cornered!

KATIE:  He's not chasing you. He's just cleaning up after the big mess you made by the litterbox.

WAFFLES:  Well he better hurry up on account of I think I need to make another mess.

About Today's Photos
Glogirly got a new robot vacuum for Christmas and she's been trying to teach how to navigate through the house. For some reason, it likes to spend a LOT of time in the bathroom. Perhaps because that's where Waffles and Katie's preferred litterbox sits.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...Glogirly LOVES the new vacuum. It's not perfect, but overall it's doing a very good job in-between deep cleanings. And she giggles every time she claims to be vacuuming and doing anything but cleaning at the same time. 

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