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Wordy Wednesday

Today is one year since our precious Lily Olivia received her wings. It seems as if she has been gone much longer. I miss her helping me on the computer. I miss waking up to find her staring at me. I miss her kisses. I miss hearing her bark like a dog when she wanted something or was angry with us.

Lily Olivia was with us for more than 18 years. Her death came at an age when she would have been heading off to college if she were our human child. She, however, will never return as that child would. Most of you have been through the loss of a beloved fur child, so I know you are aware of the loss I continue to feel. I often stop by her and Fiona’s urns on the bedroom dresser and talk to them.

I pray we will be together again in the future.

Here are a few of my favorite photos of Lily Olivia.


Remembering Lily Olivia 2019

Remembering Lily Olivia 2019

Remembering Lily Olivia 2019


This final photo was take on New Year’s Day 2018. We think Lily Olivia was sharing with Sawyer all her knowledge and tricks for getting exactly what she wanted at all times. The two spent a lot of time together during Lily Olivia’s last few days.



We miss you and love you, Lily Olivia.


You will be with us always in our hearts.



Angel Lily Olivia is joining the Wordless Wednesday blog hops at Create with Joy and Comedy Plus.


Wordless Wednesday at Create With Joy


The post REMEMBERING LILY OLIVIA appeared first on The Cat On My Head.

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