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My 8th Gotcha Day, 500 Posts, A Comment-thon AND A Giveaway!

Hello, and Happy Wednesday! I’m super dooper excited today, can you guess why? Go ahead, take a guess. OK... never mind... let me just tell you. It’s my 8th Gotcha Day! Eight years ago today I was discharged from the hospital and came home forever! I can’t believe I’ve been with my forever family for eight whole years! Time sure does fly when you’re happy, doesn’t it? 

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I don’t share my story to make people sad or to make them feel sorry for me (“woe is me” isn’t my style. I'm much too happy-go-lucky for that! ). I share my story to bring attention to what happens to animals when they’re neglected and abandoned. My goal has always been to save animals from the experiences that I had, and to bring attention to pet adoption. When I wrote my book I meowed to myself, I meowed, “If I can save the life of one pet, then I will have done something good.” Can you guess how happy I was when someone said my story not only inspired her to adopt a cat from a shelter, but she named her cat Lola? I was over the moon! 

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I have lots of new friends that visit my blog, so very briefly I will tell you my story. One day I was found in a garbage dumpster in East Harlem in New York City. Some nice people found me and took me to a pet store where they did pet adoptions. The pet store took me to the shelter and I ended up getting very, very sick with an upper respiratory infection. I almost died. A wonderful lady named Leslie, who is such a good friend of our family now, saw me and decided to save me. She took me to her vet, where I had to stay in the hospital for more than two weeks! Leslie put my photo on Facebook, Mommy saw it, and the rest is history! I’m one lucky cat, that’s for sure! If you’d like to read my entire rescue story, you can purchase my book on Amazon, or just look to the right on the sidebar and you can buy it there! 

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Me in the hospital. This is the day I met Mommy! 

Because I was so sick, I still have what I call “sneeze problems.” I’m a sneezy cat, and I often get a runny nose. It’s hard for me to keep my weight on when I’m stuffy, but Mommy works very hard to keep meat on my bones! Other than that, I’m just purrfect now. 

The last eight years of my life have been the best ever, and I feel like the luckiest, happiest cat in the world! To keep up with tradition, I’m having a comment-thon to help other pets! For every comment we receive on this post and on our Facebook post between today and January 30, 2019, we’re donating 50 cents to our good friends at Pet Animal Welfare Society! (If you’d like to learn more about them, you can read this post that Mommy wrote when she visited.) PAWS does fantastic things for cats, dogs, and the community and we’re very excited to be raising money for them.

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Gabe at PAWS
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Zatz at PAWS

But that’s not all! We're celebrating… drum roll, please… 500 posts! I do have a little disclaimer to make. When we first started blogging we were on another platform and had a few posts there which did not transfer over to Blogger. And we had to delete a few posts from here during the Photo Bucket fiasco. But as of today, this is post 501! We all can’t believe that we’ve actually written that many posts! It’s been such fun to share our lives with you, and we’re looking forward to 500 more! 

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My second day at home. This is Mommy's most favorite photo of me ever. 

SO…. in honor of 500 posts, we're having a fab giveaway! Here’s what’s in the prize package: 

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There are two mugs in the photo so you can see both sides, but only one will be sent to the winner
The winner will receive a Lola The Rescued Cat mug, water bottle, and canvas tote bag. Plus, I’m throwing in a purrsonally pawtographed copy of my book. I hope you like the prizes I’ve chosen! We're sorry that the prize package can only be shipped in the USA, because it will be very expensive to ship overseas! BUT... if someone overseas is chosen as a winner, we will definitely send you a book. Then we will choose a second winner from the USA. 

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Pin Us!

The giveaway is open to U.S. residents who reside in the 48 contiguous states, 18+ years of age, except where prohibited by law. The winners will be selected randomly by Rafflecopter and contacted via email and will have 48 hours to claim their prize. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the prize, and a new winner will be randomly selected by Rafflecopter. Giveaway closes on January 31, 2019 at 12:00 am Eastern Time. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Lexy, Mommy and I would like to extend a huge “Thank You” to everyone who visits our blog because you made 500 posts possible! Now Lexy and I have to think of a super great prize for our 1000th post! Oh, excuse me one second… What’s that, Lexy? That won’t be for a few more years? Well, we should be prepared! 

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Lexy and I face to face for the first time. She wasn't quite sure what to do with me! 

Thank you for celebrating my 8th Gotcha Day with me! With a family like mine and friends like you, I’m definitely the luckiest cat in the world. 


This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase our book using the link, we will earn a small commission. This does not affect your price at all. 

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