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Getting My Health Certificate

somali cat at vet clinic to get her health certificate for travel

Usually when I go out, I’m happy and excited. But as you can see here, I’m viewing this outing with a bit of trepidation. That’s because I got whisked off to the vet clinic to get a health certificate. We are flying to Newark next month for Meet the Breeds, and it’s a different airline from normal. They wanted a health certificate on file for me, so I needed to get one.

white board with list of vet patients

There I am on the Welcome board! Where no kitty (or dog) wants to see their name.

somali cat in exam room being weighed

It actually wasn’t that bad a visit. The vet tech gave my human the option of not taking my temperature — so she said to skip it. She knows how much I hate that. I weighed about 6-1/2 lbs., which is usual for me.

somali cat ready to be examined by the vet

For the actual examination, I got some cuddles, and the vet stared into my eyes, ears, and mouth. Plus I got squeezed a little and the vet listened to my heart beat. I gave out a headbutt or two.

somali cat waiting to go home

It went by quickly and soon enough we were done, and my human had to pay the bill.

somali cat at vet clinic getting a treat

And the best part was I got treats practically the whole time I was there! So it wasn’t so bad after all.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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