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A Few Silly Photos

I thought I would share a few silly photos with you today!

silly photos of somali cat staring cross-eyed at toy

So many people liked the slightly out-of-focus, cross-eyed photo of me in my RompiCatz blog post that my human tried recreating it, only in focus. We’re still working on it… but here’s one that was sorta close!

somali cat standing upright in Hello Kitty harness

Sometimes during photo shoots, my human tries to get a cool-looking photo of me sitting up. This one lacks a lot in the cool-looking category.

somali cat annoyed at pumpkin hat

Here’s yet another thing my human found, but that I didn’t show you before — this really stupid pumpkin hat. Fortunately I only had to wear it for a couple of shots, since I clearly made my displeasure known.

somali cat on 8th floor of St. Vincent Medical Center

I really don’t know what I was thinking here! But honestly, I wasn’t as grouchy as I looked. In fact, my human had just signed us in at the hospital and I was getting ready for my therapy cat visit. Maybe I was just impatient to get started.

therapy cat barely sticking out tongue

And here I am, showing just a sliver of tongue on the same therapy cat visit. Maybe I really did have a bit of an attitude that day!

I hope you enjoyed my silly photos!

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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