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What’s That Wally Doing?

Cat sitting on boogie mat

Hi guys! Just checking in with all of you. I bet you’re all wondering how the move to our new house is going. Well…we haven’t officially moved yet. Oh I know what you’re thinking…we’ve been moving for months it seems…what’s taking so long and when will we finally move? The thing is we didn’t have to move right away from our old house and since our new house is only about 5 minutes away, the mom and dad decided to move slowly and try to do a lot of stuff themselves. The big pieces of furniture will be left for the professionals to move.

But now the mom says it’s getting to be “crunch time” and this place is really emptying out! Stuff is disappearing…cupboards and closets are bare. Even our big cat tree is gone! Lemme tell you a funny story about that. As the mom and dad were carrying the big tree out, I tried to stop them by jumping on it and meowing at them to put it down. I did not want that cat tree to leave. But all my efforts were unsuccessful…and out the door it went. RATS! I’m holding down this boogie mat so it doesn’t go anywhere.

The plan is for us to be in our new house in a couple of weeks. And then…let the exploring begin!

from The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat! http://bit.ly/2skBgXG

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