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Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Teddy and his mom from Two Spoiled Cats selected another fun photo this week to act as inspiration for a poem.



Scrat’s Lament

It’s tough to be a prehistoric
Squirrel in the modern world,
Even if you’re a human in an
Ice Age costume. Pretend
Can be fun if you’re not too
Hot, sweaty and tired from
Looking for your misplaced
Acorn and entertaining
Your young fans and followers.
It’s definitely not the job
For which you studied
And planned, but a man can’t
Live on imaginary acorns.

© Janet Buickerood Blue 01/09/2019

Admittedly this isn’t my best effort, but I still had fun with it. I know Angel Sammy will have sent a terrific poem from the Rainbow Bridge. To visit he and Teddy, read his poem and find links to other poems in the comments, click on the poetry badge below.

Thankful Thursday

Our 2019 has started out pretty well, and we are all praying it remains on that trajectory. We have a few things for which we are thankful this week.

  • Cooper Murphy’s second Gotcha Day. We are blessed to have this sweet and funny cat as part of our Kitties Blue family.
  • Sawyer is three weeks seizure free.
  • I figured out how to block the 20 to 30 Chinese spam e-mails I was getting each day.
  • I have not once gotten the “dreaded, rainbow, spinning wheel of death,” since getting my laptop back from the computer repair shop,
  • We actually have had some progress with our construction of the addition to our house.



See that artificial snow falling across this photo. Four to eight inches of the white stuff is forecast to fall this weekend. Just what we don’t need! Praying it misses us.

Thankful Thursday is a blog hop hosted by our pal, Brian. To participate, post on your blog for what you are thankful, then click on the badge below to go to Brian’s blog and enter the hop.

The post OFF TO A GOOD START FOR 2019 appeared first on The Cat On My Head.

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