Dear VetBabble, My dog has developed a large area of inflammation on his muzzle and I’m really concerned. He seems to be off color and may ...Read More
It’s not always easy to tell if your elderly cat is suffering from arthritis because the symptoms are subtle and slow in onset. He’s not lik...Read More
Dear VetBabble: My Dog’s Unusual Breathing and Extended Sleeping – When Should I be Concerned? Warm greetings to all our pet-loving readers...Read More
Dear VetBabble, My 3-month-old puppy has had diarrhea for two days after changing his food. What should I do? First off, don’t panic! Diarr...Read More
Dear VetBabble, I have a concern about my friend’s 10-year-old dog who has been throwing up and not eating for a couple of days. Today, she...Read More
Dear VetBabble: How Can I Prevent My Other Felines from Having Worm Infection When One is Already Affected? The dilemma of a pet owner who ...Read More
Dear VetBabble: Why Might My Dog Appear to be Missing a Testicle? Hey there fabulous pet parents, today we’ve got an interesting question f...Read More
Dear VetBabble: Understanding Hip Scores in Labrador Retrievers Is a Labrador’s mom’s hip score of 3/3 and dad’s score of 0/2, along with s...Read More
Dear VetBabble, I have noticed that my cat is recently making a gurgling sound when she breathes. Furthermore, she coughs and acts like she...Read More
Dear VetBabble: Help! My 8-Month-Old Shar Pei is Shaking Her Head and Scratching Her Ears Dear worried pet owner, it sounds like your furry...Read More
We tend to think of training as just a means to make our fur-friends well-mannered and keep them safe. But training has another role, in tha...Read More
Dear VetBabble, I Had a Distressing Incident with My Chihuahua, What Do I Do? My dear Chihuahua became the unfortunate target of a larger d...Read More
Is your older cat drinking lots and leaving big puddles in the litter box? One possible explanation is kidney disease. As the saying goes: ‘...Read More
Dear VetBabble, Is my dog depressed or is there something else going on? A few days ago, she was really happy and playful, but now she just...Read More
Dear VetBabble, Is My Dog’s Rapid Breathing and Bloated Stomach a Sign of Bloat or Something Less Serious? As a concerned pet owner, it’s n...Read More
Dear VetBabble, I’m concerned because my rabbit doesn’t seem to eat much Timothy hay, if any at all. I know it should be the focus of his d...Read More
Christmas Food for Dogs We always think of food first at this time of year! But although it can be tempting to feed your pet some tasty lef...Read More
Dear VetBabble, I recently got a 2-month-old kitten and have noticed that his bottom looks inflamed and slightly bleeds when he poops. The ...Read More
Dear VetBabble, My betta fish is really sick, and I am having a hard time diagnosing his condition. He is floating at the surface, is very ...Read More
Dear VetBabble, I have a 145-pound Alaskan Malamute that just ate 4 chocolate cupcakes and a box of Milk Duds. What should I do? I’ve heard...Read More
Dear VetBabble, My Cat is Acting Odd and Not Paying Attention to Her Kittens: What Should I Do? We sometimes get queries from worried pet o...Read More
Dear VetBabble: Addressing Concerns About Unusual Symptoms in Your Beloved Pet Question: What Should I Do if My Cat Shows Symptoms of Pain ...Read More