So, you’re thinking about getting a dog? According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, over 37% of US households have dogs, so w...Read More
Bichon Frise at a Glance Bichon Frise are ideally suited to busy family life where they will thrive in an environment of constant activity ...Read More
Teacup cats and Munchkins have been bred to be smaller than usual. They come in a few different varieties and are undeniably cute. But, befo...Read More
Hedgehogs: Think of them as an out-sized, meat-eating hamster covered in spikes! This may sound the stuff of nightmares, but hedgehogs make...Read More
Heartworms are foot-long worms that live in the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels of pets. It sounds like something from a horror movie,...Read More
So you’ve just adopted your puppy. There is a lot for both of you to learn in those first few weeks and a few basic things you need to do to...Read More
It’s the stuff of nightmares: Your active Labrador jumps for a ball, yelps, and limps away holding up a back leg. OK, perhaps he’s just spr...Read More
Did you know that chewing has a number of benefits for your dog’s health and wellbeing? We cover what they are and how we can encourage this...Read More
If you’re researching for dogs that don’t shed, consider the dog breeds that have fast growing hair or even those that are hypoallergenic (m...Read More
The technical term for this is ‘Pica’ which is defined as ‘the eating of nonfood items’. Causes for pica can be similar to that of coprophag...Read More
Cat videos are all the rage on YouTube, and some of the most popular videos include those of cat owners scaring their pets with cucumbers. I...Read More
Dogs vomit for many and varied reasons. It is a particularly important defense mechanism for a species that is sometimes inclined to ‘eat fi...Read More
Diabetes is a disease that means the body is unable to properly regulate its glucose metabolism. Glucose is typically metabolized by insuli...Read More
For many dogs spring and summer bring on the torment of the itch. It can be difficult to get to the underlying cause in some cases, but for ...Read More